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How do Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) work in Salesforce?

User opens Salesforce in a browser

User logs into a Windows laptop

Salesforce knows they are already authenticated, so it logs the user in automatically

Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) provides a seamless login experience for users within certain configurations. When a user opens Salesforce in a browser after logging into their Windows laptop, their existing Windows authentication session can be recognized by Salesforce. This allows Salesforce to automatically log the user in without prompting for additional credentials. The system leverages the security tokens generated during the Windows login process, optimizing both user convenience and security. This automatic authentication streamlines access, reducing friction for users and allowing organizations to manage identities more effectively. It's particularly beneficial in environments where users are already authenticated on their enterprise networks. In contrast, the other options focus on different aspects of access or authentication but do not capture the key mechanism of how IWA functions to facilitate automatic login for users already authenticated through Windows.

SAML authenticates users


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